Prince’s Teaching Institute – Consultation

This is republished from the Prince’s Teaching Institute web page (@PrincesTeaching)

Prince’s Teaching Institute (@PrincesTeaching)

“In response to a unanimous request from over 30 members of the education community, the PTI is leading a Commission of senior individuals to explore the idea of a new member-driven College of Teaching.

Including Headteachers, representatives from universities, subject associations, teaching unions, the existing College of Teachers, the Royal College of Surgeons and other education stakeholders, the Commission is being supported in its work by a Committee of Teachers.  The teachers on the committee are drawn from across the spectrum, including Nursery, Primary, Special and Secondary schools, from across a range of subjects, and encompassing a range of experience – from Newly Qualified Teachers to Headteachers with over 30 years’ experience.

The Commission is preparing a Discussion Document that will set out a blueprint for a new, member-driven College of Teaching. It will be published shortly and we welcome your response to this document.

The Discussion Document will not provide a detailed operational model or implementation plan, nor will it seek to provide solutions for many of the issues that would arise from the establishment of any such body; rather it will provide a blueprint for a new member-driven College of Teaching, with some approximate financial parameters, in order to provoke a considered response from stakeholders. No plans for implementation have been made, nor timetable drawn up, as this will depend on many factors, including most importantly the response to the consultation.

To register your interest in the consultation, please e-mail:

On publication, we will e-mail you a copy of the Discussion Document and look forward to your response. This page will also be updated, so please visit again!


You may be interested in the following recent publications that provide perspectives on a new member-driven College of Teaching:

Great teachers: attracting, training and retaining the best, Vol 1 (House of Commons Education Committee report, 1 May 2012)

Great teachers: attracting, training and retaining the best, Vol 2 (House of Commons Education Committee report, 1 May 2012)

Great teachers: attracting, training and retaining the best, Vol 3 (House of Commons Education Committee report, 1 May 2012)

Government response to the Education Select Committee report into Great teachers: Attracting, training and retaining the best. (House of Commons Education Committee report, 11 July 2012)

Investigating the appetite for and remit of a new member-driven College of Teaching: An exploratory workshop (The Prince’s Teaching Institute, 24th September 2012)

Taking Teacher Development Seriously: A proposal to establish a National Teaching Institute for Teacher Professional Development in England (Tim Brighouse and Bob Moon, January 2013)

Education Today, Vol 63/1 Spring 2013 (College of Teachers)

Towards a Royal College of Teaching (Royal College of Surgeons, 30 April 2013)

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